How Microsoft Catapulted to 3Trillion USD on the Back of AI 微软如何凭借对AI的押注取得3万亿美元市值

Software giant becomes second company ever to reach the mark, boosted in part by its investment in OpenAI.

Microsoft MSFT -0.38%decrease; red down pointing triangle on Thursday became the second company ever to end the trading day valued at more than $3 trillion, a milestone reflecting investor optimism that one of the oldest tech companies is leading an artificial-intelligence revolution. 

In the past decade, Microsoft’s success has come from smart bets by Chief Executive Satya Nadella. One of his biggest gambles in recent years has been partnering with an untested nonprofit startup—generative AI pioneer OpenAI—and quickly folding its technology into Microsoft’s bestselling products. That move made Microsoft a de facto leader in a burgeoning AI field many believe will retool the tech industry.

Because of the OpenAI relationship “Microsoft to me is ahead of Alphabet and Meta and has a great shot of being a software leader in AI,” said Synovus Trust portfolio manager Daniel Morgan, who owns Microsoft shares.

How Microsoft Catapulted to 3Trillion USD on the Back of AI 微软如何凭借对AI的押注取得3万亿美元市值

Microsoft’s capitalization first rose to about $3 trillion in midday trading Wednesday but closed below the mark. On Thursday, Microsoft shares rose 0.6% to $404.87.

Microsoft’s ascendance on the back of AI excitement may signal a changing guard atop tech. 

Apple became the first company to close above the $3 trillion mark in June, reflecting the lasting impact and resilience of the iPhone. Earlier this month, Microsoft briefly dethroned Apple as the most highly valued publicly-listed company in the world.

Apple had regained the top spot, but Microsoft surpassed it again at the close Thursday. Microsoft is now valued at $3.009 trillion, versus Apple’s $3.002 trillion. Apple shares have underperformed other tech giants so far this year, amid concerns about the company’s sales and its position in the AI race.

The AI boom unofficially kicked off in November 2022 with the release of ChatGPT, a chatbot built by Silicon Valley nonprofit startup OpenAI that uses so-called “large language models” to write poems, craft emails and generate computer code. 

How Microsoft Catapulted to 3Trillion USD on the Back of AI 微软如何凭借对AI的押注取得3万亿美元市值
Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella, right, with OpenAI CEO Sam Altman in November. PHOTO: JUSTIN SULLIVAN/GETTY IMAGES
11月,微软CEO纳德拉(右)与OpenAI首席执行官阿尔特曼在一起。图片来源:JUSTIN SULLIVAN/GETTY IMAGES

Microsoft is the largest investor in OpenAI. In multiple rounds over the past five years, it has agreed to invest $13 billion in OpenAI in exchange for what is essentially a 49% stake in the earnings of its for-profit arm. The relationship has also given Microsoft early access to OpenAI’s latest models, which are trained and hosted on the company’s cloud computing service, Azure. 

Microsoft’s aggressive adoption and expansion of the technology have helped it leapfrog rivals in investors’ minds. Since Microsoft’s multibillion-dollar investment in OpenAI in January 2023, the stock has gained nearly 70%, adding more than $1.2 trillion to Microsoft’s market value.

Nadella has forged a close relationship with OpenAI’s CEO Sam Altman and incorporated his startup’s technology into top Microsoft products. Investors have been bullish on the prospect that these AI tools—including an assistant Copilot that plugs into key Microsoft software like Word, Outlook and Teams—will become a major new revenue stream for the company.

“They have a huge head start owing to OpenAI and innovating quickly and moving faster than other enterprise software companies have been able to,” said Rishi Jaluria, an analyst at RBC Capital.

While the AI hype has boosted stocks across the tech sector, Microsoft has ridden the wave better than the rest. In 2023, Microsoft’s stock rose more than 55%, outpacing the Nasdaq Composite Index, which rose less than 45%.

Some investors worry there could be a bubble forming around the soaring prices of AI-driven stocks. It is still unclear how much new revenue the AI boom will add to any of the companies. Even for some of the biggest beneficiaries, it could take years before enterprises and individuals embrace AI tools at the scale the technology’s biggest proponents expect.

How Microsoft Catapulted to 3Trillion USD on the Back of AI 微软如何凭借对AI的押注取得3万亿美元市值
The Microsoft store on Oxford Circus in London. PHOTO: BETTY LAURA ZAPATA/BLOOMBERG NEWS

Microsoft’s early attempt to integrate AI into its products has been hit or miss. The AI chat added to its Bing search engine hasn’t done much to boost its market share against Google’s. Its GitHub Copilot product, which uses AI to speed up coding, has been popular.

The sheer size of Microsoft and peers like Apple means that tech stocks play an outsize role in the broader stock market’s performance. When the year began, the two tech companies accounted for 14% of the market-value weighted S&P 500, according to S&P Dow Jones Indices

Microsoft and Apple both now surpass the value of five of the 11 sectors within the S&P 500, according to Dow Jones Market Data, including consumer staples, energy, real estate, materials, and utilities.

How Microsoft Catapulted to 3Trillion USD on the Back of AI 微软如何凭借对AI的押注取得3万亿美元市值

Microsoft’s recent success is the latest capper for one of the oldest companies in tech that has ridden its tight ties with corporate customers to thrive through multiple waves of technological change.

Started in 1975, Microsoft has navigated the evolution from personal computers to the internet to mobile devices—some shifts better than others. Through it all, its operating systems are still in most of the world’s computers, and its workplace software remains a stalwart in companies across the globe.  

In recent years, as some tech companies have struggled with slowdowns, Microsoft has found ways to boost revenue. Its core businesses have generated enough cash to allow it to become one of the most acquisitive companies in tech. 

Not long ago, the Redmond, Wash., company was considered the stodgy old uncle of technology, not on par with the leading names in the industry. Despite its size, it was left out of the FAANG acronym some investors once used to describe what were considered the most dynamic names in tech: Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix and Google.

“There was a time when Microsoft was not part of FAANG and now Microsoft is absolutely in the magnificent seven,” said Soma Somasegar, a venture capitalist with Madrona Ventures and a former Microsoft executive.

The magnificent seven refers to the leaders in tech today: Google parent Alphabet,, Apple, Meta Platforms, Nvidia, Tesla and Microsoft.

Nadella, who is nearly a decade into the CEO job, has rapidly led the company across trillion-dollar valuation landmarks. It crossed the $1 trillion market capitalization mark in 2019 and $2 trillion two years later.

Under Nadella, Microsoft’s Azure cloud service has become the main engine of its growth, and the company’s stock rises and falls based on how well the division does. Today, it is the second-largest player in the sector behind Amazon’s Web Services.

The AI boom is expected to accelerate growth at Azure. Last quarter, customer spending on Microsoft’s AI services was responsible for 3 percentage points of Azure’s revenue growth.


过去十年中,微软的成功来自于该公司首席执行官纳德拉(Satya Nadella)的精明押注。近年来,他最大的赌注之一就是与一家未经检验的非营利性初创公司——生成式AI先驱OpenAI合作,并迅速将后者的技术融入微软最畅销的产品中。这一举动让微软在蓬勃发展的AI领域成为事实上的领导者,许多人认为AI将重塑科技行业格局。

Synovus Trust的投资组合经理Daniel Morgan说:“由于与OpenAI的关系,微软在我看来领先于Alphabet和Meta,很有可能成为AI领域的软件领导者。”Morgan持有微软股票。








纳德拉与OpenAI首席执行官阿尔特曼(Sam Altman)建立了密切关系,并将这家初创公司的技术整合到微软的顶级产品中。投资者一直看好这些AI工具,包括可插入Word、Outlook和Teams等微软关键软件的助手Copilot,认为AI工具将成为微软新的主要收入来源。

加拿大皇家银行资本市场(RBC Capital)分析师Rishi Jaluria说:“由于有OpenAI,再加上他们快速创新,并且比其他企业软件公司动作更快,他们已经有了很大的领先优势。”



微软将AI整合到旗下产品中的早期尝试可谓一波三折。必应(Bing)搜索引擎中添加的AI聊天功能并未在微软与谷歌的市场份额之争中起到多大提升作用。微软的GitHub Copilot产品利用AI加快了编码速度,已经很受欢迎。

微软和苹果公司等科技业同行的庞大体量意味着,科技股在股市大盘的表现中拥有举足轻重的影响。据标普道琼斯指数公司(S&P Dow Jones Indices)的数据,今年伊始,微软和苹果公司在市值加权的标普500指数中总计占比达到14%。

根据道琼斯市场数据(Dow Jones Market Data)的数据,微软和苹果公司的价值已超过标普500指数11个板块中五个板块的市值,这五个板块是消费必需品、能源、房地产、材料和公用事业。





Madrona Ventures的风险投资人、微软前高管Soma Somasegar说:“曾几何时,微软还不是FAANG成员,而现在,微软绝对是美股‘七雄’的一员。”

美股“七雄”指的是当今科技领域的七家领军企业,分别是谷歌母公司Alphabet、亚马逊、苹果公司、Meta Platforms、英伟达(Nvidia)、特斯拉(Tesla)和微软。


在纳德拉的领导下,微软旗下云服务Azure已成为其增长的主要引擎,该公司股价随该部门表现的好坏涨跌。如今,它已成为云服务市场仅次于亚马逊Web Services的第二大供应商。



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